Business Travel: iPhone Charging Stations Ideal for Hotel Rooms

While you are traveling for business, it's often crucial for you to have a charged device ready. This is ideal for contacting family members back home, coordinating your trip, and preparing for all types of business meetings or sessions. When you are staying at a hotel room, it may be a good idea to bring a charging station along with you. iPhone charging stations have the ability to keep your devices fully charged and ready to go when needed. [Read More]

Using Broker Software On The Forex Market

The foreign exchange is extremely active and offers a highly profitable platform for Forex trading. Forex trading involves trades of foreign currencies with expectations of them rising or falling in their value. The foreign exchange is also volatile and would require the guidance of an experienced broker to get the most gains from trading in it. Using the best broker trading software while working with an experienced broker can have several financial benefits. [Read More]

Comic Book Convention Vendors: 4 Ways Epicor Consulting Can Help With Product Sales

The audiences attending comic book conventions are filled with collectors, pop-culture fans, and people ready to spend a lot of money. If you're a vendor that has signed up for a comic book convention, then you want your booth to be accessible to as many people as possible. By setting up a digital POS system like Epicor ERP, you can make every transaction go smoothly. Setting up the system to cater to your specific needs can make a big difference on how it performs and adapts to your type of business. [Read More]

How Printed Circuit Boards Are Constructed And Why You Should Allot Extra Time For Your Order To Be Created

Printed circuit boards (or PCBs) are at the heart of every electronic device humans now use. If you need an order of a specific PCB for a product that comes primarily from your factory, you probably send your PCB orders to a PCB manufacturing company. Given the individualized nature of the circuitry and wiring for every set of boards, it takes some time to create these items. You should also allow extra time for PCBs that are either more intricate or perform a greater number of complex applications. [Read More]