3 Features To Look For In Trucking Software

How smoothly your trucking company operates depends on a number of factors, including the trucking software that is used to manage the fleet. Therefore, it is important to carefully evaluate any new trucking software that you are considering for your company. Here are just a few features you should look for in your next software.    Mobile Integration Your drivers likely use a number of mobile devices throughout the day. You can use this to your advantage. [Read More]

Tips For Making Your Visiting Family Comfortable In Your Smart Home

With more than 40 percent of American homes forecasted to have smart features by 2020, your smart home will be in good company. However, if you're getting ready to welcome family from out of town who don't have any exposure to smart home technology, you'll want to plan ahead to make their introduction to and stay in your smart home easier. Here are a few ideas that you can consider before they arrive to help make their stay a comfortable one. [Read More]

Starting a Business on Your Own? 3 Key Things You Need

If you are ready to start working on your own as an independent contractor, there are some things you want to get that you can carry around with you. You want to be sure that you are always prepared to share information about yourself, sign a contract or document, or make a deal. Here are some of the things to consider. Marketing Materials Make sure you always have business cards, post cards, pamphlets, promotional flyers and other information to hand out to people that you meet. [Read More]

Need a More Personalized Networking Scheme?

Internet Protocol (IP) addresses aren't a major part of public perception. Since Domain Name System (DNS) servers keep IP addresses bound to easier to remember website names, the only people who need to be concerned about an appealing IP scheme are your technicians and technical partners. That said, an organized IP layout can make things much easier to organize. When you need higher-level domain management and IP ranges that cluster together before subnetting is involved, consider these group-minded approaches to IP scheme purchases and configuration. [Read More]